Household Food Waste Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate domestic food waste disposal to ensure the waste is suitable for composting.
Packaging Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the disposal of packaging waste by businesses.
Packaging Regulations Self-Compliance Registration Major producers of packaging waste must register with the local authority to become self compliant in the proper disposal of packaging waste.
Plastic Bag Levy Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate compliance by retailers with the plastic bag levy. Retailers must charge customers for plastic bags at the point of sale.
Roads Winter Maintenance Local authorities operate winter road maintenance programmes such as salting and gritting during severe weather.
Sewage Sludge Facilities Register Local authorities maintain a public register of sewage sludge facilities.
Waste Collection Permit The National Waste Collection Office in Offaly County Council issues waste collection permits to approved collectors or transporters of waste.
Waste Disposal Site Fee Payment You must pay a fee if you dispose of domestic or commercial waste in a local authority landfill or civic amenity site.
Waste Facilities Register The National Waste Collection Permit Office in Offaly County Council maintains a public register of all waste facility permits and certificates granted, reviewed, revoked and expired across all local authorities.