Damaged Road and Footpath Reporting You can report damaged roads and footpath issues such as broken pavement slabs, potholes and broken kerbs to the local authority.
Discharge to Waters Enforcement Local authorities regulate the discharge of liquids and sewage to rivers, lakes and the sea.
Group Water Scheme Monitoring Local authorities monitor drinking water quality in group water schemes.
Private Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Local authorities monitor drinking water quality in private regulated water supplies.
River and Lake Water Quality Monitoring Local authorities may monitor water quality in rivers and lakes to safeguard public health and protect the environment.
River Flow Monitoring Local authorities may monitor river flow and collect information for analysis by environmental agencies.
Roads Winter Maintenance Local authorities operate winter road maintenance programmes such as salting and gritting during severe weather.
Septic Tank Information and Advice Local authorities may provide information and advice about septic tanks and waste water treatment systems.
Sewage Sludge in Agriculture Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the spreading of sewage sludge by farmers and land owners on their lands.
Water Pollution Complaint Reporting Local authorities may investigate complaints about water pollution.