Local authorities maintain a public register of building control activities such as Commencement Notices, 7-Day Notices, Certificates of Compliance on Completion, Disability Access Certificates and Fire Safety Certificates.
Local authorities regulate the design and construction of new buildings, altered buildings and buildings undergoing a change of use to ensure they comply with fire safety, accessibility, proper planning and building regulations.
You must apply to the local authority for a certificate if you construct a new building, carry out alterations or change the use of a specified existing building. This confirms that a building complies with disability access requirements before it is occupied or used.
You must apply to the local authority for a permit if you want to erect a memorial plaque, tree or bench to honour a person, group of people or significant event.
Local authorities may plant, prune and fell tree in public parks, open green spaces, along roadsides, on roundabouts and in authorised housing estates to protect and maintain them.