You must apply to a local authority for a licence if you want to erect permanent or temporary advertising signs and structures about your business on public roads.
Local authorities investigate antisocial behaviour involving local authority tenants. If necessary, they may involve An Garda Síochána (national police).
Local authorities maintain a public register of building control activities such as Commencement Notices, 7-Day Notices, Certificates of Compliance on Completion, Disability Access Certificates and Fire Safety Certificates.
Local authorities regulate the design and construction of new buildings, altered buildings and buildings undergoing a change of use to ensure they comply with fire safety, accessibility, proper planning and building regulations.
Local Enterprise Offices may run one to one business advice clinics to help those who are thinking about starting a business or who have an existing business and need advice to grow their business.
Local Enterprise Offices may run initiatives to support and promote business start-ups, expansion, promotion and training as part of their business development activities.
Local authorities may provide workspace, co-working desk space, conference and meeting facilities, and WiFi to those who want to work in a business environment.
Local authorities may provide information and advice to new or existing businesses on aspects of running a business such as starting up or expanding, commercial rates, planning and suitable locations and properties.