Local authorities may set up and support forums (groups) to work with and give a voice to migrant communities working towards achieving social inclusion, integration and participation in the local authority's decision making process.
Local authorities may set up and support older people's Local authorities to represent the views of older people, promote inclusion of older people in communities, prevent age related isolation and loneliness, and promote fitness and active ageing.
Local authorities may prepare strategies for development of public parks and open spaces. You can have an input into the strategies through consultation.
Local authorities may investigate and take action against developers of land or property who do have the required permission or have not met the terms of their permission.
You must apply for planning permission if you want to build or demolish property, or significantly alter the use of land or property unless the development is exempt.
You can apply to the local authority to extend the duration of a grant of planning permission if the work is not complete before the grant of planning permission expires.
Local authorities, together with other agencies, may support community and voluntary groups to showcase initiatives that have created a long lasting impact in their community such as creative wellbeing, place and community tourism projects.