You can send the local authority a request to access your personal data, to check if data about you exists, be told of the content and source of personal data, and update, correct or delete your personal data.
Local authorities, together with the Office of Public Works, may undertake flood prevention works such as construction of embankments and flood barriers, monitoring of water levels, and repairs and replacement of culverts and bridges.
Local authorities publish a disclosures log to provide details of all non personal Freedom of Information requests they receive and the decision in response to these requests.
You can send the local authority a request to access official records. You can also ask that your personal records are amended or deleted if they are incorrect or misleading. You have the right to request reasons for decisions taken by the local authority which affect you and the right to appeal the decision.
Local authorities, together with other stakeholders, manage public health and safety by regularly inspecting local authority buildings and work activities, investigating accidents and incidents and taking appropriate action.