Local authorities may set special speed limits near built-up areas, schools and housing estates to improve road safety for all road users. You can have an input into the proposed speed limits through consultation.
Local authorities may take action against drivers who park illegally, do not display a valid parking ticket, permit or motor tax disc, or do not pay required parking charges.
You must apply to the local authority for a permit if you want to temporarily put a skip or mobile appliance in a parking place or erect hoarding or scaffolding on a public road.
Local authorities may run initiatives such as National Bike Week, Mobility Week, Car Free Day and the Pedometer Challenge to promote sustainable travel.
You must apply to the local authority if you want to temporarily close a road to facilitate building works, store materials, erect hoarding, fencing or scaffolding or place a crane or hoist on the road.
Local authorities, together with Fáilte Ireland, may provide financial support to business and community groups to support events and festivals in culture, food, sports and activity based tourism to attract visitors.
Local authorities, together with Fáilte Ireland and Tourism Ireland, may provide information and advice to tourists on locations, opening hours, pricing and directions to local attractions.
Local authorities may provide traffic calming measures such as signs, road markings, bollards, modified road surfaces, speed ramps and cushions to reduce speed rates and increase road safety.
Local authorities may require landowners to cut trees, shrubs, hedges and other vegetation on their lands that interferes with the safe use of a public road or footpath. Local authorities may take action against landowners.