Local authorities may offer choice to approved housing and transfer applicants in selecting a new home. Applicants can express an interest in houses which are advertised.
Local authorities may assist you in finding accommodation in the private market if you qualify for social housing. The local authority will pay the landlord and you will pay a rent contribution to the local authority.
Local authorities, together with other agencies, may provide homes at a reduced price for first-time buyers who are looking to purchase a new or second-hand property or build their own home.
You must apply to the local authority for a permit if you want to erect a memorial plaque, tree or bench to honour a person, group of people or significant event.
Local authorities may provide financial support to property owners to repair vacant properties. The property is repaired and leased to the local authority at a reduced cost.
Local authorities may plant, prune and fell tree in public parks, open green spaces, along roadsides, on roundabouts and in authorised housing estates to protect and maintain them.