Advertising Signage Licence You must apply to a local authority for a licence if you want to erect permanent or temporary advertising signs and structures about your business on public roads.
Backyard Burning of Waste Control Local authorities may take action against those who carry out unauthorised burning of waste in backyards.
Burning of Agricultural Vegetation Permission Farmers must apply to the local authority for permission to burn green waste generated by agricultural activities.
Casual Trading Licence You must apply for licence to the local authority if you are a casual trader and you want to sell goods in a public place or designated trading area.
Commercial Food Waste Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate commercial food waste disposal to ensure the waste is suitable for composting.
End of Life Vehicles Authorisations Local authorities authorise and maintain a register of treatment facilities that deal with end of life vehicles.
Extractive Industries Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the management of waste from quarries to prevent or reduce environmental damage.
Farm Plastic Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the sale and use of plastic film on farms to ensure it is collected and disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.
Farm Plastics Producers Registration Local authorities maintain a register of producers and manufacturers of farm plastics.
Hazardous Waste Notification You must notify the National TransFrontier Shipments Office in Dublin City Council if you want to import, export or transport hazardous waste.