You can send a request to the local authority for access to environmental information such as air, noise and water quality reports, and policies and plans on environmental protection measures.
You can send the local authority a request to access your personal data, to check if data about you exists, be told of the content and source of personal data, and update, correct or delete your personal data.
Local authorities publish a disclosures log to provide details of all non personal Freedom of Information requests they receive and the decision in response to these requests.
You can send the local authority a request to access official records. You can also ask that your personal records are amended or deleted if they are incorrect or misleading. You have the right to request reasons for decisions taken by the local authority which affect you and the right to appeal the decision.
You must apply to the local authority for a permit if you want to erect a memorial plaque, tree or bench to honour a person, group of people or significant event.
Local authorities may plant, prune and fell tree in public parks, open green spaces, along roadsides, on roundabouts and in authorised housing estates to protect and maintain them.