Historic Landfills Management Local authorities manage closed local authority landfill sites in line with Environmental Protection Agency guidelines.
Household Food Waste Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate domestic food waste disposal to ensure the waste is suitable for composting.
Organic Solvents Vapour Emissions Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the use of solvents by businesses.
Packaging Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the disposal of packaging waste by businesses.
Packaging Regulations Self-Compliance Registration Major producers of packaging waste must register with the local authority to become self compliant in the proper disposal of packaging waste.
Petroleum Vapour Emissions Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate emissions from fuel tankers, storage tanks and fuel pumps in petrol stations.
Plastic Bag Levy Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate compliance by retailers with the plastic bag levy. Retailers must charge customers for plastic bags at the point of sale.
Sewage Sludge Facilities Register Local authorities maintain a public register of sewage sludge facilities.
Solid Fuel Regulations Enforcement Tipperary County Council is the enforcement agency for breaches of the Air Pollution Act 1987 (Solid Fuels) Regulations 2022.
Tipperary Air Quality Air pollution is a major environmental risk to health. Air pollution can increase the risk of stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and both chronic and acute respiratory diseases, including asthma.