Advertising Signage Licence You must apply to a local authority for a licence if you want to erect permanent or temporary advertising signs and structures about your business on public roads.
Burial Grounds Maintenance Community Grant Local authorities may provide financial support to community operated burial grounds for maintenance and upkeep.
Burials Register Local authorities maintain a public register of all burials in local authority burial grounds.
Casual Trading Licence You must apply for licence to the local authority if you are a casual trader and you want to sell goods in a public place or designated trading area.
Exhumation Licence You must apply to the local authority for an exhumation licence to exhume the remains of a deceased person.
Grave Opening and Closing Local authorities may provide grave opening and closing services in local authority owned burial grounds.
Undertakers, Grave Diggers and Monumental Sculptors Local authorities may maintain a register of approved gravediggers.