Local authorities run fire station open days and visit schools to raise awareness of the fire and emergency service. These visits also educate pupils about fire safety and prevention in their homes, schools and community.
Local authorities provide information and advice to the public, community and voluntary groups, business owners and schools about fire safety and prevention, fire regulation, building standards, and fire and emergency response.
Local authorities run public awareness campaigns on the use of smoke alarms, preparing escape route plans and the safe use of electrical equipment to prevent fires.
Local authorities prepare guidelines for property owners and occupiers on fire safety standards including identifying fire safety precautions, maintaining training records and inspecting fire safety active systems and first aid equipment.
Local authorities may charge those who benefit from the response of the fire service to domestic and commercial fires, chimney fires, road traffic accidents and false alarm incidents.
Local authorities provide information and advice to those interested in becoming fulltime or retained firefighters including details of the application requirements and recruitment process.
Local authorities, together with the Office of Public Works, may undertake flood prevention works such as construction of embankments and flood barriers, monitoring of water levels, and repairs and replacement of culverts and bridges.
Local authorities may provide support to groups of local residents and landowners for the restoration of non public local roads serving their properties. Residents and landowners must pay a community contribution to the restoration works.