Grave Opening and Closing Local authorities may provide grave opening and closing services in local authority owned burial grounds.
Hazardous Waste Notification You must notify the National TransFrontier Shipments Office in Dublin City Council if you want to import, export or transport hazardous waste.
Historic Landfills Management Local authorities manage closed local authority landfill sites in line with Environmental Protection Agency guidelines.
Household Food Waste Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate domestic food waste disposal to ensure the waste is suitable for composting.
Litter Awareness Initiatives Local authorities may run litter awareness initiatives as part of their litter management activities.
Litter Management Plan Consultation Local authorities prepare plans to prevent and control litter. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.
Litter Regulations Enforcement Local authorities investigate illegal littering incidents and regulate illegal littering activity.
Local Improvement Scheme Local authorities may provide support to groups of local residents and landowners for the restoration of non public local roads serving their properties. Residents and landowners must pay a community contribution to the restoration works.