Recycling Information and Advice Local authorities provide information to the public on how to recycle waste.
Regional Waste Management Plan Consultation Local authorities prepare plans to prevent and control waste. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.
River and Lake Water Quality Monitoring Local authorities may monitor water quality in rivers and lakes to safeguard public health and protect the environment.
River Flow Monitoring Local authorities may monitor river flow and collect information for analysis by environmental agencies.
Septic Tank Information and Advice Local authorities may provide information and advice about septic tanks and waste water treatment systems.
Sewage Sludge Facilities Register Local authorities maintain a public register of sewage sludge facilities.
Sewage Sludge in Agriculture Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the spreading of sewage sludge by farmers and land owners on their lands.
Solid Fuel Regulations Enforcement Tipperary County Council is the enforcement agency for breaches of the Air Pollution Act 1987 (Solid Fuels) Regulations 2022.
Temporary Event Signage Permission You must apply to the local authority for a permit to use temporary signage to advertise events.
Tidy Towns Support Local authorities may support Tidy Towns groups through networking meetings, seminars, funding and environmental initiatives.