Rent Assessment Local authorities charge rent based on the income of a tenant. The rent amount may be reviewed during tenancy.
Repair and Leasing Scheme Local authorities may provide financial support to property owners to repair vacant properties. The property is repaired and leased to the local authority at a reduced cost.
Retail Strategy Consultation Local authorities may prepare strategies for retail development. You can have an input into the strategies through consultation.
Scaffolding Licence You must apply to the local authority if you want to erect scaffolding on a public road.
Skip Placement Licence You must apply for a licence to the local authority if you want to place a skip on a public road or footpath.
Social Housing Support Local authorities may provide social housing to you if you qualify and cannot afford to rent or buy your own home.
Street Furniture Licence You must apply to the local authority for a licence to place furniture such as tables and chairs on the public footpath outside your premises.
Taking in Charge of Estates Request Developers or the majority of home owners can request the local authority to take charge of the roads and services within a housing estate.
Tenant Incremental Purchase Scheme Local authorities may sell a social house to the tenant living in the house.