Abnormal Load Permit You must apply to the local authority for a permit if you want to transport heavy or wide loads on public roads.
Authorised Weighbridges Local authorities may operate weighbridges where commercial goods vehicles can get a valid weigh docket to accompany a motor tax application.
Commercial Parking Permit You can apply to the local authority for a permit to park on streets or in car parks in designated areas near your business.
Damaged Road and Footpath Reporting You can report damaged roads and footpath issues such as broken pavement slabs, potholes and broken kerbs to the local authority.
Digital Strategy Publication Local authorities publish strategies to develop and promote digital economies, digital infrastructure, digital skills, digital societies and services.
Disabled Parking Bays Local authorities may provide designated parking bays for drivers or drivers of passengers with a disability permit.
Electric Vehicle Charge Points Local authorities may provide charge points for electric cars at designated areas.
Electronic Speed Signs Local authorities may provide electronic speed signs to warn drivers if they have exceeded the speed limit.
Flood Relief Schemes Local authorities, together with the Office of Public Works, may undertake flood prevention works such as construction of embankments and flood barriers, monitoring of water levels, and repairs and replacement of culverts and bridges.
Human Resources Reports Local authorities may provide reports and information on human resources to government departments and other agencies.