Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Community- Latest News

Community Recognition Fund

Launch of the Community Recognition Fund in Tipperary

Minister Heather Humphreys TD and Minister Joe O’Brien TD recently announced a funding allocation of €50 million funding under the Community Recognition Fund 2024. County Tipperary has been allocated €1,465,434 for projects across 2025 and 2026. The Community Recognition Fund was first introduced last year to recognise the huge efforts made by communities in welcoming and supporting people coming to Ireland. Through the 2023 allocation, funding of over €900,000 was approved for over 30 projects to support Tipperary towns and villages that have welcomed people from Ukraine and other countries.

21 March 2024
Graphic with Logos and Information

Tipperary LCDC is Seeking Applications from the Public for Membership of their LEADER Independent Evaluation Committees

Tipperary Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) is delivering the Rural Development Programme (LEADER) 2023-2027 in Tipperary in partnership with Tipperary County Council, South Tipperary Development Company and North Tipperary Development Company. Independent Evaluation Committees (IEC) will be established to assess and evaluate all project proposals for RDP funding. We are now seeking applications for membership of the IECs, one for North Tipperary and one for South Tipperary.

23 February 2024
Cahir Walkway & Gardens

Local Enhancement Programme 2024 Grants Scheme Launch

Tipperary County Council would like to announce the launch of the Local Enhancement Programme 2024 - this grant scheme will provide capital funding to support community groups and Women's Groups across County Tipperary.

22 January 2024