Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Housing Schemes Guide

The Local Authority Purchase and Renovation Loan was approved by Government at the beginning of June. The loan, which is an expansion of the Local Authority Home Loan, will support both the purchase and renovation of homes which are eligible under the existing Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant.

Room for a Student Local Authority Tenancies Scheme is a government initiative where local authority tenants are permitted to let out a room or rooms in their homes to third level students with the prior permission of the local authority, as the landlord. Following an approved application, the Tenant may let the relevant room under the licence for the duration of the student’s academic year. Any additional income received by a local authority tenant on foot of participation in the scheme is reckonable for the calculation of the rent paid by them to the local authority.

Living in an Affordable Home

Affordable housing schemes have been discontinued. However if you were one of the affordable home buyers in the last number of years, the following information may still be relevant for you. Affordable homes were provided for people who could not afford to buy a home on the open market. They were provided at a discount to the market price on the condition that you had to live in it. If you sold it within 20 years, you had to pay back a percentage of the sale price to the local authority. This is known as a 'Clawback'.

Refund of Irish income tax and DIRT.

Applicant must draw down full mortgage approval. If there is a gap between the purchase price and the mortgage approval then the person may be eligible for the scheme. 

An authorised housing body or local authority can provide affordable, high-quality rental accommodation to low/middle-income earners who do not qualify for social housing.

House must be vacant for at least 2 years

Local Authority can develop/acquire land for sale as serviced sites in selected towns and villages.

The Repair and Leasing Scheme is an opportunity to bring vacant houses or commercial properties back into use as homes for families and individuals on the social housing waiting list. 

Suitable buildings are typically located in central locations or are in high profile sites that benefit from renovation. Some key areas of interest for Towns & Villages In Tipperary.   

Living in an Affordable Home

Affordable housing schemes have been discontinued. However if you were one of the affordable home buyers in the last number of years, the following information may still be relevant for you. Affordable homes were provided for people who could not afford to buy a home on the open market. They were provided at a discount to the market price on the condition that you had to live in it. If you sold it within 20 years, you had to pay back a percentage of the sale price to the local authority. This is known as a 'Clawback'.