25 October 2024
Design Update No. 2
Tipperary County Council is progressing the development of the N24 Cahir to Limerick Junction Project in partnership with Limerick City & County Council, Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Department of Transport. Arup are the appointed Technical Advisors to advance the project through the planning and design phases. The project is being managed by the Mid West National Road Design Office on behalf of Tipperary County Council. The project is a priority investment in the Government’s National Development Plan 2021-2030.
In January 2023 Design Update No. 1 was published for the Preferred Transport Solution, including a provisional corridor and junction locations for the road component, demand management proposals, and potential active travel routes. Since Design Update No. 1, the design team have been further progressing the design of the Preferred Transport Solution to take account of results from site surveys (including geotechnical investigations, topographical surveys and environmental surveys) and landowner engagement.
Following a detailed appraisal of the potential active travel routes previously published in January 2023, an active travel corridor has been identified within which active travel facilities will be provided where a targeted need has been identified. The Active Travel Component aims to encourage walking and cycling for work, school and leisure, linking communities, promoting healthier lifestyles, and reducing transport emissions. The Active Travel Corridor is identified on Design Update No. 2 drawings.
As part of the design development for the road component, there are a number of locations where deviations from the corridor previously published in January 2023 are currently being considered by the Design Team and accordingly the corridor has been extended at these locations. These extended areas of the corridor are identified on Design Update No. 2 drawings and the project team are now seeking feedback from the public regarding the potential changes.
Property owners along the corridors for the active travel and road component, communities and other stakeholders are invited to consult with the project team, either in person, or by online or telephone meetings.
Design Update No. 2 Drawings are now available for viewing on the project website www.n24cahirlimerick.ie.
For further information visit www.n24cahirlimerick.ie or contact the project team at cahirlimerick@midwestroads.ie or telephone (061) 951000.