Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Housing Allocation Scheme

The purpose of the Housing Allocation Scheme is to provide a means of determining the order of priority to be accorded in the allocation of dwellings to:

  • persons assessed as being qualified for social housing support in accordance with Section 20 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2009 together with the Housing Assessment Regulations 2011, which came into effect from 1st April 2011
  • persons transferring from a dwelling, including from a dwelling provided under the Social Housing Leasing Initiative or the Rental Accommodation Scheme and, including transfers to new dwellings being purchased under the Incremental Purchase Scheme.

This allocation scheme applies to –

  1. Dwellings provided under the Housing Acts 1966 to 2009 or Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000 – (i) of which the housing authority is the owner, or (ii) of which the housing authority is not the owner and which are provided under a contract or lease between the housing authority and the owner concerned, including rental accommodation availability agreements, and
  2. dwellings owned and provided by Approved Housing Bodies (AHBs) to whom assistance is given under section 6 of the Housing Act 1992 for the purposes of such provision.

Please see the full scheme below.