A warm welcome was extended to Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy Hildegarde Naughton, when she visited Sláintecare Healthy Communities Clonmel and Healthy Tipperary on Monday 20th February. These two programmes funded through the Department of Health are delivered on the ground by Tipperary County Council, the HSE, and Community Partners.
There are a range of Health and Wellbeing initiatives delivered in Clonmel through these programmes by the partnership agencies. These include new parenting programmes run by Barnardos Clonmel with the support of Healthy Communities funding, the Clonmel Social Prescribing Service, Healthy Food Made Easy and We Can Quit, a 12-week smoking cessation support service.
Energy Communities Tipperary Cooperative also presented the Home Energy Assessments Pilot delivered through Sláintecare Healthy Communities funding. A project aimed to increase energy efficiencies in the home, responding to health inequities in addressing energy sustainability.