Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Tacaíocht Fóraim um Chuimsiú Imirceach

Féadfaidh údaráis áitiúla fóraim a bhunú agus tacú leo chun oibriú le pobail imirceacha agus guth a thabhairt dóibh siúd atá ag obair chun cuimsiú sóisialta, comhtháthú agus rannpháirtíocht i bpróiseas cinnteoireachta an údaráis áitiúil a bhaint amach.

Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT)


The LAIT works with the following People:

  • Those in International Protection System.
  • Those with Refugee Status, Leave to Remain Or Subsidiary Protection Status
  • Programme Refugees
  • Those with Temporary Protection.


Our Role:

The integration team will provide advice and guidance and information in order to best support you to live an independent life in Tipperary

We will Support you to get access to your rights and entitlements (PPS Number, GP, Bank Accounts etc.)

We can also work with you to develop a personal plan to allow you to reach your full potential. This could involve joining English classes, attending training, gaining employment and joining clubs or groups.

Our team aims to support you in every step of your journey in Tipperary.


Find out more about the LAIT and the work we do here.