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Update on Council Services – Management Report July 2024

july 2024
Press Release
Governance and Administration
8 July 2024

The management report for July 2024 includes updates on the following services: -

  •  Roads Rural & Community Schemes – Page 4 
  • Greenway Project Updates – Page 9 
  • Active Travel Updates – Pages 10 
  • Rural Regeneration and Development Fund Project Implementation – Page 14 
  • Urban Regeneration and Development Fund Project Implementation – Page 16 
  • Fire Services Major Priorities – Page 20 
  • Civil Defence – Page 21 
  • Library/Cultural Directorate – Page 24 
  • Revenue Account Income & Expenditure Summary by Division – Page 44 
  • Increased Cost of Business Grant – Page 46 
  • IT Systems – Page 49 
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