Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Homelessness Information and Advice

Local authorities may provide information and advice to those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Homelessness in Tipperary

Homelessness in Tipperary

The Housing Miscellaneous (Provisions Act) 2009 provides a new statutory framework of structures to address Homelessness. A Regional Approach is now being taken to the preparation of Homeless Action Plans, in line with the Statutory Regional Authority Areas.


View the South East Region Homeless Action Plan.


The South East region has been pro-active in terms of establishing Homeless Action Teams (HAT) in each Local Authority area and working to achieve a standardised approach to care and case management. The HAT meets weekly with representatives from Local Authority, HSE Substance Misuse, HSE Mental Health, HSE Social Inclusion, Tusla Aftercare Programme, Homeless NGOs and Domestic Violence organisations.  The HAT structure is proving to be an example of best practice in multi-agency co-operation in dealing with homelessness and its prevention.

Tipperary County Council Homeless Supports include:

  • Homeless Action Team (HAT)
  • Homeless Coordinator
  • Resettlement & Outreach Worker
  • HAP Place Finder
  • Homeless Prevention Officers

HAT and the Tipperary County Council work in collaboration to address the issue of homelessness, its prevention and providing the necessary community supports. Temporary Emergency Accommodation (B&B) can be made available in an emergency pending the sourcing of private rented accommodation and what is available to Tipperary County Council at any given time. Also provided when available is Short-term Temporary Accommodation, Housing First Supported Accommodation and a Tenancy Sustainment Service.

The main objective of the Homeless Team is to provide assistance in dealing with all persons who present as Homeless through prevention and mediation work, HAP assistance, emergency accommodation assistance if available and linking in with the relevant community supports.

Homeless Community Clinics are run weekly by the Tipperary County Council Homeless Prevention Officers and are by appointment only.



To make the next available appointment for a Homeless Clinic in any of the locations below please contact the Homeless Clerical Officer on 

0818 065000


Homeless Clinics are held weekly in Nenagh, Clonmel and Thurles as follows:

Monday:                 Clonmel Civic Offices

Tuesday:                 Nenagh Civic Offices

Wednesday:           Thurles Community Based Clinic

Thursday:               Clonmel Civic Offices

                                 Nenagh Civic Offices


Homeless Services Team

Christmas Cover

  • During Out of Office hours TCC Homeless Service will operate a rota for monitoring contacts with the service for emergencies.
  • All contact will be made through email - Please contact:
  • We have limited access to Emergency Beds so contact should only be encouraged in emergency situations.
  • The email is monitored daily and a member of the homeless team will be in touch with the sender within 24hours.

Homeless Prevention Services Directory available at:

In 2013 a Directory of Adult Homeless Services in the South East Region was published. The Directory provides a comprehensive listing of all specialist homeless services, for adults, families and young people in the South East, as well as providing some information on relevant mainstream and general services, which provide support to people who are experiencing homelessness. The Directory provides up to date information on the range of services available including details on access criteria, referral procedures, staffing and support services offered. It also provides other information on the rights and entitlement of people who are experiencing homelessness including income, maintenance, accommodation and other services.

The Directory is available at:



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