Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Planning & Building Services

This is the full list of all services provided by Planning & Building.

Building Control

7-Day Notice

You must give 7 days notice to the relevant local authority before starting building work. The notice must say that the building will meet fire safety standards and that you will complete any requirements of the Fire Safety Certificate within a set time.

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Building Control Register

Local authorities maintain a public register of building control activities such as Commencement Notices, 7-Day Notices, Certificates of Compliance on Completion, Disability Access Certificates and Fire Safety Certificates.

Building Energy Rating Enforcement

Local authorities may take action against those who provide an existing building for sale or let or occupies a new building for the first time which does not have a Building Energy Rating or a Display Energy Rating Certificate registered with the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.

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Building Regulations Enforcement

Local authorities regulate the design and construction of new buildings, altered buildings and buildings undergoing a change of use to ensure they comply with fire safety, accessibility, proper planning and building regulations.

Building Regulations Works Authorisation

Local authorities may assess applications for a relaxation or exemption from building regulations and may grant or refuse an application based on their assessment.

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Certificate of Compliance on Completion Submission

Builders and assigned certifiers must submit a certificate of completion to the local authority. This certificate confirms that the building complies with regulations before it is occupied or used.

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Commencement Notice Submission

You must submit a commencement notice through the National Building Control Management System before you start building work for which you have received planning permission.

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Construction Products Regulations Enforcement

Local authorities monitor CE marking for construction products sold or used. The CE mark indicates that a product meets European health, safety and environmental standards.

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Disability Access Certificate

You must apply to the local authority for a certificate if you construct a new building, carry out alterations or change the use of a specified existing building. This confirms that a building complies with disability access requirements before it is occupied or used.

Fire Regularisation Certificate

You must apply to the local authority for a certificate if you own a non-domestic building or apartment block which was completed without a Fire Safety Certificate to confirm that the building complies with fire safety standards.

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Fire Safety Certificate

You must apply to the local authority for a certificate if you build, extend or substantially alter a building (other than dwelling houses and certain agricultural buildings) to confirm that the proposed works comply with fire safety standards.

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Market Surveillance of Construction Products Enforcement

Local authorities maintain the EU Information and Communication System for Market Surveillance to ensure information about construction products is shared with other EU countries.

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Multi-storey Buildings Register

Local authorities maintain a register of multi storey buildings in their area.

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Markets and Trading

Advertising Signage Licence

You must apply to a local authority for a licence if you want to erect permanent or temporary advertising signs and structures about your business on public roads.

Casual Trading Enforcement

Local authorities may take action against casual traders operating without a licence or in breach of their licence.

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Casual Trading Licence

You must apply for licence to the local authority if you are a casual trader and you want to sell goods in a public place or designated trading area.

Outdoor Event Licence

Organisers of outdoor events with an audience of more than 5,000 may have to apply to the local authority for a licence.

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Sandwich Board Licence

You must apply to the local authority if you want to erect a sandwich board display sign on a public road or footpath to promote your business.

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Street Performer Permit

Street performers such as buskers, artists, dancers or theatrical performers may apply to the local authority for a licence.

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Street Performer Permit Enforcement

Local authorities may take action against street performers operating without a licence or in breach of their licence.

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Property Management

Compulsory Purchase Order

Local authorities may acquire land or property for development through a compulsory purchase process.

Land and Property Disposal

Local authorities may sell, lease or exchange lands or property which they no longer need.

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Land and Property Leasing

Local authorities may lease land or properties to you for grazing, tillage, commercial or residential use.

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Property Requests

Local authorities may work with individuals and groups with interests in Council-owned properties.

Planning Enforcement

Dangerous Places Enforcement

Local authorities may take action against owners of places likely to be dangerous to the public such as excavations, quarries, pits, wells, reservoirs and dumps.

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Dangerous Structures Enforcement

Local authorities may take action against owners of unsafe buildings, walls or structures.

Fencing Licence

You must apply for a fencing licence to the local authority to erect fencing on a public road.

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Filming Permit

You must apply to the local authority for a permit to use land or property it owns as a venue for filming.

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Funfair Notification

You must notify the local authority if you wish to hold or organise a funfair.

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Hoarding Licence

You must apply to the local authority for a licence to erect hoarding on a public road.

Mobile Appliance Licence

You must apply to the local authority for a licence to use mobile equipment such as cranes, cherry pickers or hoists.

Planning and Development Enforcement

Local authorities may investigate and take action against developers of land or property who do have the required permission or have not met the terms of their permission.

Planning Enforcement Register

Local authorities maintain a public register of planning enforcement actions they carry out.

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Planning Permission Compliance Certificate

Local authorities may issue certificates to planning applicants to confirm that development works comply with the planning permission granted to them.

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Scaffolding Licence

You must apply to the local authority if you want to erect scaffolding on a public road.

Urban and Rural Development

Derelict Sites Enforcement

Local authorities may take action against owners or occupiers of neglected, unsightly or littered properties.

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Derelict Sites Levy Payment

Owners of land or property which is entered on a local authority derelict sites register may have to pay a levy.

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Derelict Sites Register

Local authorities maintain a public register of derelict sites.

Rural Design Guidelines

Local authorities may prepare guidelines for the design and building of new houses in rural areas.

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Shop Front Enhancement Grant

Local authorities may provide financial support to business owners to improve the appearance of shop fronts and commercial properties on public streets.

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Town and Village Renewal Scheme

Local authorities may provide financial support to community and business groups for projects to improve local towns and villages.

Town Centre First

The Town Centre First policy aims to create town centres that function as viable, vibrant and attractive locations for people to live, work and visit, while also functioning as the service, social, cultural and recreational hub for the local community.

Development Management

Development Contribution Payment

You may have to pay the local authority a development levy if you get planning permission to develop land or property.

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Development Contribution Rebate Scheme

Builders and developers can apply to a local authority for a refund on development levies where they plan to construct residential units within certain thresholds and in specific locations.

Development Contribution Scheme Consultation

Local authorities prepare development contribution schemes with rates for planning development contributions. You can have an input into the schemes through consultation.

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Extractive Industries Register

Local authorities maintain a public register of quarry operators.

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Housing Estate Naming and Numbering Information and Advice

Local authorities set requirements for naming and numbering housing estates and must approve final proposals from residents and developers.

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Part 8 Development Consultation

Local authorities must give public notice, under Part 8 of the planning laws, when they propose to build housing, roads, bridges, tunnels, fire stations, libraries or public swimming pools. You can have an input into the proposal through consultation.

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Part V Planning Exemption Certificate

Local authorities may issue certificates of exemption, under Part 5 of the planning laws, to developers for smaller residential developments which are excluded from social and affordable housing requirements.

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Planning Application Consultation

You can comment on, make an observations on, or object to, current planning applications to the local authority.

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Planning Bond Management

Local authorities may require developers to lodge a cash sum, insurance company bond or other security which can be used to carry out works if a development does not meet required standards.

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Planning Bond Refund

Local authorities may refund or return unused planning bonds where completed works have been carried out to the required standard.

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Planning Exemption Certificate

Local authorities may issue certificates of exemption for developments that do not need planning permission.

Planning Information and Advice

Local authorities provide information and advice on historic, current or planned development.

Planning Permission

You must apply for planning permission if you want to build or demolish property, or significantly alter the use of land or property unless the development is exempt.

Planning Permission Extension of Duration

You can apply to the local authority to extend the duration of a grant of planning permission if the work is not complete before the grant of planning permission expires.

Pre-Planning Consultation

Local authorities may hold pre planning meetings or consultations if you want information and advice about the planning process before making an application.

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Residential Design Guidelines

Local authorities may prepare guidelines for the design and building of new houses in housing estates.

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Site Suitability Assessment

Local authorities may assess proposed wastewater treatment and disposal systems on sites being considered for single houses.

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Skip Placement Licence

You must apply for a licence to the local authority if you want to place a skip on a public road or footpath.

Strategic Environmental Assessment Consultation

Local authorities may carry out strategic environmental assessments to evaluate the environmental impact of implementing their development plan. You can have an input into these assessments through consultation.

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Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Consultation

Local authorities may carry out assessments to determine flood risk in an area. You can have an input into the assessments through consultation.

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Street Furniture Licence

You must apply to the local authority for a licence to place furniture such as tables and chairs on the public footpath outside your premises.

Taking in Charge of Estates Certificate

Local authorities may issue certificates to residents to confirm that the local authority has taken charge of the roads and services within a housing estate.

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Taking in Charge of Estates Request

Developers or the majority of home owners can request the local authority to take charge of the roads and services within a housing estate.

Transboundary Environmental Consultation

You can make an observation to a local authority on the potential transboundary environmental impact of developments on neighbouring EU states.

Unfinished Housing Estates Management

Local authorities may manage or complete unfinished private housing estates.

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Vacant Sites Enforcement

Local authorities may take action against owners of vacant sites that could be suitable for housing development.

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Vacant Sites Levy Payment

Owners of land or property which is entered on a local authority vacant sites register may have to pay a levy.

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Vacant Sites Register

Local authorities maintain a public register of vacant sites.

Vacant Sites Register Consultation

Local authorities may accept comments and objections from owners of land or property that is being considered for entry onto the vacant sites register.

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Local Authority Plans

Development Plan Consultation

Local authorities prepare development plans for land use and development management. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

Local Area Plan Consultation

Local authorities prepare local area plans for land use and development management. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

Retail Strategy Consultation

Local authorities may prepare strategies for retail development. You can have an input into the strategies through consultation.

Special Planning Control Scheme Consultation

Local authorities may prepare plans for the preservation or improvement of areas of architectural importance. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

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Strategic Development Plan Consultation

Local authorities may prepare long terms plans for specific types of strategic development. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

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Strategic Development Zone Plan Consultation

Local authorities may prepare plans for strategic development zones. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

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Urban Framework Plan Consultation

Local authorities may prepare plans for urban development. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

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Village Design Statement

Local authorities may prepare statements on village design.

Wind Energy Strategy Consultation

Local authorities may prepare strategies for wind energy. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.

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Irish Language Development

Gaeltacht Area Support

Local authorities support the use of the Irish language in Gaeltacht areas by providing planning, infrastructure, community, economic, social and cultural development services through Irish.

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Irish Language Placename Committee Support

Local authorities may set up committees to promote and preserve the use of Irish placenames in housing developments and provide a free translation service for business owners who want to erect Irish language signage.

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Linguistic and Cultural Heritage Conditions Enforcement

Local authorities enforce language conditions for housing developments in Gaeltacht areas and work with developers to ensure a percentage of houses are occupied by Irish speakers to protect and preserve the Irish language and culture.

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Planning & Building Services

This is the full list of all services provided by Planning & Building.

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Statistics and Reports

Planning Reports

Local authorities may provide planning reports and information to government departments and other agencies.

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Planning Statistical Reports

Local authorities collects planning data and give it to relevant agencies.

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Environmental Protection

Special Amenity Area Consultation

Local authorities may designate areas of outstanding natural beauty or special recreational value as Special Amenity Areas. You can have an input into the designations through consultation.

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Special Area of Conservation Assessment

Local authorities assess relevant planning applications to measure the impact on special areas of conservation (SACs). Habitats and species which must be protected in SACs include bogs, sand dunes, lakes, rivers, woodlands, otters, salmon and bottlenose dolphins.

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