Tipperary County Council have prepared a Draft Town Centre First Plan for Newport Town. The Plan has been prepared in line with the new National Policy ‘Town Centre First – A Policy Approach for Irish Towns’ and is a regeneration and renewal focused plan, with a view to strengthening the role, image, vibrancy, vitality and resilience of Newport Town Centre. The Plan is informed by consultation that has taken place to date and from the valuable input of the local community which now translates into an ambitious action plan for the future development of Newport Town.
The Draft Newport Town Centre First Plan will be on public display from Wednesday 28th February 2024 to Friday 5th April 2024 at the following locations:
Newport Community Centre, Clonbealy, Newport, Co. Tipperary
Mulcair Credit Union, Cork Road, Newport, Co. Tipperary
And on https://consultations.tipperarycoco.ie/consultation/draft-town-centre-first-plan-newport-town
Tipperary County Council (Nenagh Municipal District) will accept any submissions or observations on the Draft Town Centre First Plan made in writing to; District Administrator, Nenagh Municipal District, Civic Offices, Limerick Road, Nenagh Co. Tipperary on or before Friday 22nd March 2024.
Submissions may also be made online at https://consultations.tipperarycoco.ie/form/draft-town-centre-first-newport
Rosemary Joyce,
District Administrator,
Nenagh Municipal District.