Litter Awareness Initiatives Local authorities may run litter awareness initiatives as part of their litter management activities.
Litter Management Plan Consultation Local authorities prepare plans to prevent and control litter. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.
Litter Regulations Enforcement Local authorities investigate illegal littering incidents and regulate illegal littering activity.
Local Elections Management Local authorities manage local elections where successful candidates are elected to the council to represent their community as councillors for five years.
National Codes of Conduct for Local Authority Employees and Councillors Publication Local authorities publish national codes of conduct for local authority employees and councillors to protect public confidence in local government.
National Spring Clean Support Local authorities may provide information and support about the National Spring Clean initiative to community and voluntary groups.
Noise Action Plan Consultation Local authorities prepare plans to address environmental noise. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.
Noise Pollution Complaint Reporting Local authorities may investigate complaints about excessive noise.
Organic Solvents Vapour Emissions Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the use of solvents by businesses.
Packaging Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the disposal of packaging waste by businesses.