National Spring Clean Support Local authorities may provide information and support about the National Spring Clean initiative to community and voluntary groups.
Noise Action Plan Consultation Local authorities prepare plans to address environmental noise. You can have an input into the plans through consultation.
Noise Pollution Complaint Reporting Local authorities may investigate complaints about excessive noise.
Organic Solvents Vapour Emissions Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the use of solvents by businesses.
Out of Hours Roads Emergency Phoneline Local authorities may provide an out of hours emergency phoneline where you can report road emergencies.
Packaging Regulations Enforcement Local authorities regulate the disposal of packaging waste by businesses.
Packaging Regulations Self-Compliance Registration Major producers of packaging waste must register with the local authority to become self compliant in the proper disposal of packaging waste.
Parking Disc Payment You can purchase a disc from the local authority to park in a pay and display parking area.
Parking Fine Appeal You can appeal a parking fine to the local authority or to a private operator if they have issued a parking fine on behalf of the local authority.