Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Annual Budget Publication

Local authorities publish budgets outlining their spending priorities and commitments for each service area during the year.

Adopted Budget 2025

This draft Annual Budget presented to the Council for the financial year ending 31st December, 2025 contains:
•    The Chief Executives Report;
•    Commentary by Division giving details and information on the expenditure/income codes;
•    Statutory Budget Tables.

At the Budget Meeting held on the 6th December, 2024, the Council considered the draft Annual Budget and made the following decisions:
•    to adopt the Annual Budget with or without amendment;
•    to adopt the Annual Rate on Valuation (ARV);
•    to determine the proportion of rates refunds applicable on vacant commercial premises.
This draft Annual Budget was prepared in the prescribed format and in compliance with the provisions of the Local Government Act, 2001, Local Government Reform Act, 2014 and Regulations made under that legislation. The Budget is constructed on the principle of a “balanced budget” based on the overall level of resources available to the Council and the requirement to meet statutory, contractual, legal and other obligations. Under the Local Government Act, 2001, the draft Budget is required to set out the expenditure necessary to carry out the functions of the Council and the income estimated to accrue to the Council.

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Related Information

Adopted Budget 2024

This draft Annual Budget presented to the Council for the financial year ending 31st December, 2024 contains:

  • The Chief Executives Report;
  • Commentary by Division giving details and information on the expenditure/income codes;
  • Statutory Budget Tables.


At the Budget Meeting scheduled for the 24th November, 2023, the Council is asked to consider the draft Annual Budget and to make the following decisions:

Adopted Budget 2023

This draft Annual Budget presented to the Council for the financial year ending 31st December, 2023 contains:

  • The Chief Executives Report;
  • Commentary by Division giving details and information on the expenditure/income codes;
  • Statutory Budget Tables.


At the Budget Meeting scheduled for the 25th November, 2022, the Council is asked to consider the draft Annual Budget and to make the following decisions:

Adopted Budget 2022

Budget Strategy and Process

Within the national and local economic contexts set out above and, in particular, the very

real challenge in preparing a draft Budget at a time of economic volatility and uncertainty, the

key objective is to stabilise the Council`s finances to ensure that we will:

Adopted Budget 2021

The key objectives of Budget for 2021 are to:

  • maintain essential and other local authority services;
  • continue the programme of supports to our communities;
  • support our local economy, local communities and local business throughout the pandemic;
  • commit to our ambitious capital programme through the provision of ongoing matched funding in the revenue budget; and
  • seek continued efficiencies in service provision, cost reduction and value for money.

Adopted Budget 2020

The key objectives of Budget for 2020 are to:

maintain essential and other local authority services,
continue the programme of supports to our communities,
support the economic recovery process locally and
seek continued efficiencies in service provision, cost reduction and value for money.

Adopted Budget 2019

The key objectives of the 2019 Budget are to:

maintain essential and other local authority services,
continue the programme of supports to our communities,
support the economic recovery process locally and
seek continued efficiencies in service provision, cost reduction and value for money.

Adopted Budget 2018

The 2018 Budget has been prepared on the principle of a “balanced budget” based on the overall level of resources available to the Council and the requirement to meet statutory, contractual, legal and other obligations. It incorporates the decisions made by the Council in relation to the local property tax and general municipal allocations. Under the Local Government Act, 2001, the Draft Budget is required to set out the expenditure necessary to carry out the functions of the Council and the income estimated to accrue to the Council.

The key objectives of the 2018 Budget are to:

Adopted Budget 2017

The key objectives of the 2017 Budget are to

Maintain essential and other local authority services across the county.
Continue our programme of supports to our communities.
Support the economic recovery process locally.
Continue to seek efficiencies in service provision, cost reduction and value for money.
The Draft Budget has been prepared on the principle of a “balanced budget” based on the overall level of resources available to the Council and the requirement to meet statutory, contractual, legal and other obligations. It incorporates the decisions made by the Council in relation to the local property tax and general municipal allocations. Under the Local Government Act, 2001, the Draft Budget is required to set out the expenditure necessary to carry out the functions of the Council and the income estimated to accrue to the Council.

Adopted Budget 2016

This Budget builds on the vision statement set out in the Corporate Plan adopted by the Members earlier this year to be “Ambitious for our communities, demanding of ourselves and working to a shared purpose to deliver prosperity across the county”: It seeks to deliver on the Corporate Plans three strategic themes of a Strong Economy, Quality of Life and a Quality Environment.

Over the past 12 months, the Council has been particularly active in progressing measures to underpin economic recovery, nurture a positive environment for job creation and enhance towns and villages.