You must apply to a local authority for a licence if you want to erect permanent or temporary advertising signs and structures about your business on public roads.
Local authorities may run initiatives to support accessible and inclusive services for older people in housing, transport, social participation and inclusion, communication and information, community safety and health and wellbeing.
Local authorities maintain a public register of building control activities such as Commencement Notices, 7-Day Notices, Certificates of Compliance on Completion, Disability Access Certificates and Fire Safety Certificates.
Local authorities regulate the design and construction of new buildings, altered buildings and buildings undergoing a change of use to ensure they comply with fire safety, accessibility, proper planning and building regulations.
Local authorities may provide financial support to community and voluntary groups and local development companies for small infrastructural projects in eligible disadvantaged rural areas. These projects must support schools, community safety measures, the development of play and multi use game areas, and community wellbeing projects.
Local authorities coordinate youth councils which give young people under the age of 18 the chance to get involved in the development of policy and local services and discuss issues that affect them such as homelessness, mental health, physical health, cyber health and bullying.