Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Age Friendly Initiatives

Local authorities may run initiatives to support accessible and inclusive services for older people in housing, transport, social participation and inclusion, communication and information, community safety and health and wellbeing.

Tipperary Age Friendly

What is an Age Friendly County? The population of County Tipperary is ageing in line with national trends and this presents challenges as well as opportunities. It is about ageing with dignity, independence and self-fulfilment with older people connected and engaged in all aspects of life. It is about nurturing the relationships between young and old and ensuring that older people feel safe, respected and valued in their communities. It is about preparing and managing retirement, pensions, social benefits and services so that older people have an adequate income and are assured of timely and quality services. It is about recognising the potential and opportunities offered by an ageing population and harnessing this potential for the betterment of the individual, the community and the county.

An Age Friendly County therefore is a county ‘that recognises the great diversity among older people and promotes their inclusion in all areas of community life. It is a county that respects their decisions and lifestyle choices and anticipates and responds to related needs and preferences’ (Age Friendly Ireland).

Age Friendly Ireland is based on the 8 World Health Organisation themes and aligned to the National Positive Ageing Strategy (NPAS)

Holistic Nature of Domain WHO Framework

  1. Outdoor Spaces and Buildings
  2. Transportation
  3. Housing
  4. Respect and Social Inclusion
  5. Social Participation
  6. Civic Participation & Employment
  7. Information and Communication
  8. Community & Health Services

Vision of the Tipperary Age Friendly Strategy

Tipperary is an age friendly county where the inclusion of older people is promoted, valued and actively encouraged in all areas of community life, where they are supported to live independently with confidence, security and dignity in their homes for as long as possible and where they are actively encouraged to maintain, improve and manage their health and wellbeing.

Objectives of the Tipperary Age Friendly Strategy

  • to ensure older people feel connected and engaged with their local community
  • to identify opportunities for older people to engage with their County economically, culturally and socially
  • to ensure greater accessibility to shops, services, amenities and buildings
  • to promote positive health and wellbeing as people age
  • to ensure timely, quality and accessible services are in place to support older people to live independently in their own homes
  • to promote a positive attitude to ageing and address stereotypes
  • to work with and within existing community structures, businesses, networks and service providers in the County to enhance communications and build awareness of the needs of older people
  • to build the capacity of older people to effectively engage with the systems, services and decisions that affect them.
  • To plan for the ageing future population to provide for future needs
  • Utilise and encourage available national grant schemes like RAPID, CLÁR, Town and Village Renewal, Community Enhancement Program Schemes to advance and advocate Age Friendly Projects

Tipperary Context
In June 2019 Tipperary County Council will commence the formation of the Tipperary Older Peoples Council hosting public meetings across the county

National Context
Age Friendly has been anchored in the Local Government structure and Tipperary County Council is part of the national age friendly programme.

Tipperary Age Friendly Programme Manager Fiona Crotty and team Cliona Tobin and Angela Sheehan Phone +353(0)818 06 5000 email

National Links to documents, guides and resources:



Related Information

Age Action Care and Repair

Age Action’s Care and Repair does small DIY jobs, free of charge, for older people to help them maintain their homes and their independence.

Can We Help?

Age Action national line: 0818 911 109

Age Action in Dublin: 01 4756989

Age Action in Cork: 021 2067399

Age Action in Galway: 091 527831


For all other queries about Care and Repair please contact us using these numbers:

Age Friendly Housing Technical Advisor

An Age Friendly Housing Technical Advisor in every Local Authority in Ireland.

Minister of State, Peter Burke, TD, Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage officially launches the Local Government Age Friendly Technical Advisors.

Back in My Day

On 1st October Tipperary Age Friendly Older Peoples Council launched Reminiscing Project “Back in My Day” Volume 1 in Cabragh Wetlands.

Become a FitLine Volunteer Mentor!

Become a FitLine Volunteer Mentor!

We are delighted to announce we are expanding our FitLine initiative in 2021 to reach more older adults right across the country. We’re looking for more volunteer mentors, individuals or groups, to join our FitLine team, to help us deliver this very worthwhile initiative.

Health Partners

Please see below for information on financial support to help pay for the cost of care in a nursing home through the Fair Deal scheme.

LGBT+ in Tipperary

LGBT+ in Tipperary

The Department of Rural & Community Development published the Dormant Accounts Action Plan 2020 providing funding to address disadvantage across the country. This included support for LGBT Community organisations and following an application funding was secured for LGBT+ organisations in Tipperary.

LGBTI+ Telefriending Service

In recent months, LGBT Ireland has been working on launching a new LGBTI+ Telefriending Service for members of the LGBTI+ community over 50+ who may be experiencing loneliness and isolation.

Our Telefriending Service is now open to receive referrals nationwide, where a person receives a weekly supportive call from a dedicated LGBTI+ Telefriending Volunteer.

Men's Sheds

In Tipperary, The Local Development Companies and other community structures have supported the development of a number of Men’s Sheds around the county.

What is a Men’s Shed?

  • A Men’s Shed is a dedicated, friendly and welcoming meeting place where men come together and undertake a variety of mutually agreed activities.

    Men’s Sheds are open to all men regardless of age, background or ability. It is a place where you can share your skills and knowledge with others, learn new skills and develop your old skills.

Message in a Bottle

Message in a Bottle – It could save your life

What is Message in a Bottle?

The Lions Message in a Bottle is a simple idea that encourages people to keep their basic personal and medial details in a common place where they can easily be found in an emergency.

How Does it Work?

The information is kept in a bottle. The bottle is kept in the fridge, where the emergency services will expect to find it in the event of being called to your home.

Muintir na Tire Supports

SENIORS ALERT SCHEME : This is a grant that is available through Community based organisations such as Community Alert , Active Retired , ICA and others to draw down funding for the purchase of Socially Monitored Pendant alarms for those aged 65 yrs and over .

Positive Ageing Week

Positive Ageing Week (PAW) is an Age Action Ireland initiative. The focus is on community based events, organised by groups and individuals throughout Ireland, and national events organised by Age Action and its partners.  

Reminiscing in Tipperary

Tipperary Age Friendly Older Peoples Council are developing a project to capture stories and tales of the past, listening to the voices of older people across County Tipperary.

Seniors Alert Scheme

The Seniors Alert Scheme (SAS) has been established to encourage community support for vulnerable older people in our communities. It provides funding for a personal monitored alarm, connected to a contact centre to enable older persons of 65 or older and of limited means, to continue to live securely in their homes with confidence, independence and peace of mind.

The Scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development via Pobal with equipment made available through community, voluntary and not-for-profit organisations registered with Pobal under the SAS.

THE HomeShare: The Affordable Housing and Social Care Model

THE HomeShare: The Affordable Housing and Social Care Model

Homeshare brings together someone who needs some help to live independently in their own home with someone who needs somewhere to live. In return for free accommodation, the Homesharer provides a minimum of 10 hours of support each week to the Householder. There is a monthly service fee paid to THE HomeShare for continued monitoring and support.

Tipperary Age Friendly Directory of Services

A partnership of Tipperary County Council , An Garda Siochana, HSE North and South Tipperary and County Tipperary Citizens Information Service and have produced the Tipperary Age Friendly Information Guide to Services for Older People in County Tipperary.

This is the first all County publication for Older People within Tipperary .

This guide contains information in relation to entitlements, health, housing, transport, safety and security, social and leisure activities, support groups and organisations for older people within County Tipperary.

Tipperary Age Friendly Promoting World Alzheimer’s Day

Every September, people come together from all around the world to raise awareness and to challenge the stigma that persists around dementia. September 2021 marks the 10th year of this vital global awareness raising campaign.

Tipperary Age Friendly recordings content is proud to showcase Dementia Awareness recording featuring Sean Donal O’Shea Dementia Advisor Tipperary on World Alzheimer’s Day is held on Tuesday, September 21st.

For more information and supports about living with Dementia visit

Tipperary Digital Connections

Tipperary Age Friendly are working with Family Resource Centres and Community Groups in Tipperary to address digital poverty and support older adults in becoming confident and competent in the use of technology.