Silouette graphic representing Tipperary

Artists Professional Development Programme

Local authorities, together with other stakeholders, may provide training, development and mentorship to help professional artists develop their careers in the arts.

Related Information

Tipperary Youth Arts Hub

The Tipperary Youth Arts Hub was identified to support practice and sharing between all involved in youth arts in Tipperary and to support the development of this area of practice. It offers free training opportunities to youth workers, artists and youth practitioners living in Tipperary.

Calling all artists and youth arts practitioners in Tipperary!

VAI Professional Development Training for Tipperary Artists

Visual Artists Ireland serves as the representative body for professional visual artists in Ireland. Tipperary Arts Office continue to provide online training provision for Tipperary artists in partnership with Visual Artists Ireland and partner local authorities in Limerick and Clare.

All events are provided free to Tipperary artists with registration through the VAI website